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About Appreciation Festival / 

Here you can find detailed information about what FSA's Appreciation Festival is and what do we do in here.

General Explanation /

          Appreciation Festival is held in November every year. But why is it around this time of the year? Reaching the end of year, November is about the time that everyone get used to the life at school with new  friendship, and we want to show the appreciation for people around us.

          You might think "What is Appreciation Festival?". Through Appreciation Festival, we want to show our appreciation toward our parents who raised us, and people such as our teachers and international students affair office, seniors at school, friends who support us when we face trouble on the daily basis. 


          Moreover, this is an opportunity to show our appreciation to people we don’t have the chance to thank, and to feel grateful to all the things that happen to us.   

          For 2019 theme was “Even when we get used to it, do not forget what is important”. We showed our appreciation by writing letters to International students affairs office, and also to people who clean the facility we use everyday.

Tentative Schedule /

          As it was said before, this event is hold in November, a moment in our school life in which we could get use to the differences between our and Japanese culture, and life at  Soka University.

          This schedule can suffer delays or changes depending on the current situation. We highly recommend you to follow us in our Social Media to stay update about any changes in the schedule of this event.

          Thank you so much for your understanding, and sorry for causing any trouble or  inconvenience.



2019: -

2020: -

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